my favorite stone with GG
My favorite stone with GG. Last Thursday, April 20, we were choosing our favorite stone in the showroom of Gómez Grau, along with his team and the agency Trumbo. It was a pleasure to meet, see and touch their wide variety of natural stones of all types, colors and textures. After getting to know them all, we chose the Cuarcita Marquina stone, whose exclusivity and discretion captivated us.

We like to say that our architecture is based on three pillars: form, proportion and materiality. We always use noble, natural and honest materials. Materials that have their own color and smell, like Gómez Grau stones.
The intention of the visit was to choose our favorite stone. It was not easy to choose just one, but finally we chose this Marquina quartzite. A stone of simple and elegant character that can fulfill the function of backdrop that we like so much, but at the same time, it demonstrates its own exclusivity. Undoubtedly, it presents that property of the stone that we like so much, that of remaining in time without being ostentatious. Precisely because of this character of “discreet luxury” we could place this piece in pavements, walls and furniture. Even generating monomaterial spaces completely covered by this material.

We are very grateful for the initiative of Gómez Grau and Trumbo Agency for inviting us to know their space and materials. Undoubtedly, it has reinforced our love for natural materials and specifically stone.
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